We’ve been waiting for this reunion for far too long. Our doors open THIS SUNDAY, June 7th for those who are ready. As we begin to gather together, our services will be different for a season. We appreciate your patience as we navigate our initial phase of reopening! Here are our opening steps for the month of June: There is no nursery, ewcKids, or Converge student gatherings on campus at this time. As we attempt to follow CDC guidelines, families are encouraged to worship together. We are asking for everyone to sit with his or her family and leave 3 chairs between you and another family on the same row. We are asking everyone to wear a mask until you get to your seat. We are providing masks for those who need them. We are also asking everyone to practice social distancing and go directly to your seat upon entering the building. We know you’re all ready for one big giant hug, but for now, we will bump elbows. On that note, let’s try to not congregate in the foyer. (We know. this is a tough one for all of us.) Offering buckets will not be passed but will be available at exits. Bottled water will be available in lieu of coffee and food service. Hand sanitizer stations will be available throughout the building. We encourage those who are at-risk, ill, or symptomatic to worship from home online. We are looking forward to some of these restrictions being lifted soon! WE HAVE MISSED YOU! See you Sunday in-person OR online at 10:00 AM.