We want to hear from you! The City of Griffin, Spalding County, and Griffin Spalding County Schools (GSCS) invite you to provide input that will help inform the creation of our community-wide strategic vision and plan. With a multi-step planning process, this new strategic plan is designed to bring community voices together to identify and begin working toward a shared vision for the entire community. Your input is an essential part of this planning process. Due to COVID-19, we are using this survey to learn your ideas about how to make your community the best it can be. Looking beyond COVID-19, planning and community input are more important now than ever. We invite you to share both current issues and your future vision for Griffin+Spalding County. https://ugeorgia.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3q4FrnqODSKoT41
Angelique H. Jackson, MPA Archway Partnership | Operations Coordinator 1197 S Lumpkin Street, Suite 193 | Georgia Center | Athens, GA 30602 706-612-3479 | arh1016@uga.edu | www.archwaypartnership.uga.edu //brand.uga.edu/email-signature-builder/assets/images/uga-logo@2x.png” style=”width: 1.6666in;” width=”160″>
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