ewcKIDS Director / Team Leader Job Description – Eagles Way Church 2019
Overview: The person applying for this position should be someone who is enthusiastic about children, their safety, and the quality of their church experience.
We are looking for someone with the three “C’s”: Character – Chemistry (with EWC) – Competency
Weekly Salary based on experience – Approximately 20 hours a week.
Please submit resume to will@eagleswaychurch.org by July 7 Items of responsibility:
- Organize, implement and administer Sunday curriculum for Nurseries & Grades K-5.
- Organize and maintain classrooms upstairs in the office building and in the sanctuary building.
- Develop and maintain a volunteer team to facilitate the children’s ministry.
- Create a volunteer schedule for Sundays and oversee workers for Wednesdays.
- Develop a classroom schedule and train the volunteers
- Create, organize & direct extra-curricular activities & events throughout the year
- Schedule volunteers for check-in and maintain PCO Check-In data and supplies
- Develop relationships with parents and be the “go-to” person for classroom needs.
- Be the “face” of the ministry for guests and put them at ease when it comes to taking care of their kids.
- Attend monthly staff meeting
- Attend services on Sundays & Wednesdays
Please forward to anyone you feel may be interested. |